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In 1992, Ross Perot's presidential campaign proved that nearly 50% of the electorate was ready to go independent. What happened?

Perot wasn't ready and neither were we, to turn America's two-party monopoly upside down.

Years of failure have taught us that building a political party for independents is useless without a way to "gently herd" (educate and organize) independent voters outside of any single political party. 

LIV is the only voter membership association in Texas for non-aligned, independent voters to self-organize.. Join us.

Do the LIV Two-Step!

1.  Fill Out the LIV Survey on our Survey Page..
2. Become a member today (under "Join")

and attend a weekly meeting online (under "Events").


The League of Independent Voters of Texas is a 501c4 nonprofit, nonpartisan membership organization
dedicated to bringing about competitive elections and a multi-party system.

LIV • PO Box 651, Bastrop, TX 78602 • • 512.213.4511 (no texts)

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