Some Good News on Eminent Domain Reform
The Disappointing 85th Texas Legislature
Pass the Greatest Bill Since Sliced Bread!
Be a NIMBI, Now I Must Be Involved
Urban-rural Water Call-In Day — and week!
Timing is everything.
Landowners asking court to stop permit negotiations
Eminent domain session THIS Saturday!
Thank you, Lockhart.
Going to the Top Dog – Lt. Governor Dan Patrick
Hide Your Water & Your Wives
Texas Election Reform, Tom Glass
Good Bills, Bad Bills – join us Saturday!
Putting the Voters Before the Legislature
Water Meetings in Giddings and Caldwell, y’all come
Be on the Saturday Conference Call
Come to Wimberley or else!
Come to Wimberley Saturday, November 22
Tillman Speaks Out for Local Control — how ’bout you?