Breaking up (with the Ds or Rs) is so hard to do! Yang breaks. How 'bout Joe, Lyle and Kel?
Release: "Texas Redistricting" Submits Compact Congressional
Wave a Magic Wand for an Independent Ticket!
Cyrier backs Commish Courts in Lost Pines
Joe Straus Comes Out Swinging for Local Control
The Best Way to Kill The Democratic Republic: Redistricting
Invasion of the body of law snatchers: the Texas TaliDan
A Real Survey! “Do you want more choices at the ballot box?”
No one is talking about it.
Last Hearing on Desired Future Conditions
LIV Launches Online Petition: Texans want a leader not a King. (This petition is closed.)
Texas Tribune Covers Vista Ridge Pipeline Mess
LIV first, First Monday Forum — Voter Survey & Desired Future Conditions
Who is taking on Texas imperial governance?
The dangerous path to a constitutional crisis in Texas
Imperial Governance and Constitutional Wreckage • LIV News, July 29, 2021
LIV News, July 22, 2021
The elephant in the Texas voting booth that neither party wants to talk about.
Water Defenders to the Rescue!
Big Independent Texas News!