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All we really want for Christmas


All we really want for Christmas is to see you this Saturday, from 2-4 pm at

our Christmas Party at The Roadhouse in Paige. We’ll be recognizing some folks and we’ll have some of those big “I Oppose the Hose” signs as door prizes! Details here.

AND, do mark your calendars to attend the Forestar special settlement meeting on Monday night, December 21st — details here.)

We wish to THANK Rep. John Cyrier for his letter and Judge Paul Fischer for his letter to the Lost Pines District urging a more open settlement process. Giddings Mayor John Dowell and Bastrop City Councilwoman Kay McAnally also weighed in. Thank you.

A quick take on why we think Forestar Real Estate Group is pushing so hard for settlement only days before Christmas. Maybe it has to do with any uncertainty associated with five expiring Board member terms as of December 31st at Lost Pines. Or it might hae something to do with the 800-pound gorilla on the other side of the Simsboro in Milam and Burleson counties, aka Vista Ridge/The San Antone Hose. And perhaps they want to beat End Op/Recharge’s bid for 46,000 acre-feet of Simsboro water to the punch. (By the way, water marketer, Joe Beal’s, appointment to the Bastrop Economic Development Corporation Board, be a warning looks like it’s going to be game with the water robber barons starting early in 2016.

So, have yourself a feisty little Christmas and show up at the party on Saturday AND at next Monday night’s Lost Pines GCD meeting at 6 pm Bastrop City Hall. More coming soon.

Please note that all negotiated settlements are complex. The League is collaborating with Environmental Stewardship and Neighbors for Neighbors to evaluate what this means, so pay close attention before you drink too much eggnog. (ES and NFN have engaged respected San Antonio hydrologist George Rice to help us as he has done with Vista Ridge.)

Happy Holidays, y’all, come see us and hold on to your hats for 2016!

PS Please consider giving a gift of membership in the League to a friend or family member. Thank you!

PPS What are we celebrating? That the League is still standing as bright and tall as this Christmas tree and we’re only 2 years+ old.



The League of Independent Voters of Texas is a 501c4 nonprofit, nonpartisan membership organization
dedicated to bringing about competitive elections and a multi-party system.

LIV • PO Box 651, Bastrop, TX 78602 • • 512.213.4511 (no texts)

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