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Boomers & Millennials: the winning indy ticket

“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” Thomas Edison.

On the last statewide conference call (now every other Sunday at 6 p

m), we had a great  discussion. It was about the number one problem in this country — the decline in civic participation.

Do you think people would attend a football game, if they knew what the outcome would be? Can you remember a competitive election? We’ll bet the turnout was higher. This ain’t rocket science.

The only real (and really hard) question then is how do we make elections competitive?

We resolved that building new alliances between the Baby Boomers and the Millennials (18 to 30 year olds) is where we start. Afterall, it’s the Millennials who will soon be running the country. It’s the Boomers who have tried and failed…and must keep trying for the incoming generation.

So, how do we do that? We’re going to experiment with connecting and we need YOU to help.

So…you’re invited to join our experiment to connect… or shall we say Yannect?!

Yannect is an online forum site where people can chat, network and share information about their communities. It’s for non-commercial users. It’s free. It’s geographically organized — there’s a site for every single town in Texas.  It’s very simple to use. And, there is NO commercial tracking (like, well, you know those other sites), therefore no real name is required.

Yannect just set up a statewide forum called “Texas Independents” at our request. This is a statewide forum:  posts here will appear on every Yannect city page in Texas.

Please go to and “sign up” by following the simple directions. Then go to any city page (e.g. Austin, Dime Box, Dallas…wherever you are), click on the “Texas Independents” forum and start posting!

We’ve started the ball rolling on Yannect with this statement in the Texas Independents Forum. I have a feeling you’ll have something to say about this:

Tired of hearing from Democrats and Republicans and the same ol’ tired partisan politics? You’re at the right place. Ponder this. The most recent Gallup Poll on party identification has us at 42% of the electorate. So-called “Millennials” (18-30 year olds) are a whopping 50% independent. What does being politically independent mean to you and, if you are an independent, say why

Don’t give up on each other — Boomers and Millennials and whatever your generation.

P.S. We’ll be at the Lost Pines Groundwater Conservation District monthly meeting this Wednesday, 7 pm, at Bastrop City Hall. Pick up an “I oppose the San Antone hose” yard sign for $10 to support our work.

P.S.S. Got time to work our booth at the Bastrop Rodeo – July 30 thru Aug. 1st? Reply or call us!




The League of Independent Voters of Texas is a 501c4 nonprofit, nonpartisan membership organization
dedicated to bringing about competitive elections and a multi-party system.

LIV • PO Box 651, Bastrop, TX 78602 • • 512.213.4511 (no texts)

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