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Call your Rep NOW, y’all! Vote NO on HB 1066.


click on this to watch the Vista Ridge slide show

It’s time to call your rep now, y’all! This is no April Fool’s prank. Though perhaps we are fools for trying to stop this completely unnecessary

manmade disaster on groundwater depletion.

We’re also beginning to wonder if the Republican Party of Texas is preparing to throw those who elected them — rural Texans — under the bus.

We need your calls today and tomorrow to get State Representatives of all political persuasions, rural and urban, to vote NO on HB 1066.

Also, for you San Antonians, we’ll be at the SAWS meeting tomorrow at 9 am.  Their meetings are also streamed on their site.

HB 1066 is supposed to come to the floor of the Texas House tomorrow, Tuesday, April 2. (Note: Bills scheduled for the floor sometimes take a few days, so calls tomorrow may be timely as well.)

HB 1066 is a handoff to the woefully mistaken $3.4B, 143-mile Vista Ridge San Antone Hose. Not even the Post Oak Savannah Groundwater Conservation District, which issued the permit for Vista Ridge, supports it! HB 1066 is the work of the SAWS Buzz Saw lobby machine.

The author, Rep. Trent Ashby (R-Lufkin), who has previously been judicious in the past on groundwater grabs, has refused to amend this legislation.

Do you live in the “forced donor” Simsboro communities? Call your Rep!!!

Rep. John Cyrier for Bastrop & Lee counties at 512) 463-0682Rep. Terry Wilson for Milam County at (512) 463-0309Rep. Ben Leman for Burleson County at (512) 463-0600

What’s wrong with Vista Ridge? Click on Jack Nicholson in “The Shining” to watch our new Vista Ridge slide show presented in San Antonio last Saturday at the “Cross Community Alliances” event. Thanks so much to candidates and community for showing up or watching the stream.

San Antonians, join us tomorrow at SAWS.

Come a little before the meeting starts at 9:00 am and look for Ellen Berky pictured here.

Our next SA event in is on April 22. Bring yourself and petitions — print them out from our brand new San Antonio page under construction here.

In the “forced donor” communities in counties east of Austin, we’ll be lending SAWDF a hand at the Smithville Garage Sale this coming Saturday, April 6th. SAWDF can use more items and volunteers! Reply if you can help out or call Linda at LIV.

Independently yours, Texas!



The League of Independent Voters of Texas is a 501c4 nonprofit, nonpartisan membership organization
dedicated to bringing about competitive elections and a multi-party system.

LIV • PO Box 651, Bastrop, TX 78602 • • 512.213.4511 (no texts)

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