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Continued blood in the water on Vista Ridge


This post is an update on September 26, from the post at the bottom of this page: 


Brian Chassnoff, at the San Antonio Express-News, is a good bloodhound. Chasnoff reported on the supression of the damning report from Texas A&M’s Institute of Renewable Natural Resources called the “preeminent water policy organization in the State of Texas” by San Antonio. Now there appears to be an effort by San Antonio to change the report’s findings on Vista Ridge —- to correct “inaccurate statements and omitted facts”.

Join us at these events and keep those petitions coming!

Tomorrow, Sunday, Sept. 27, at 6 pm for our next statewide conference call. Reply for details. This Monday, Sept. 28, 6 pm, Senior Citizens Center, Third & Main, city of Lexington: details hereThis Wednesday, Sept. 30, 6:30 pm, Frieden’s Church, 2555 Frieden’s Church Road, city of Geronimo: details hereThis coming Saturday, Oct. 3, 2:30 pm, Brookhollow Library, 530 Heimer, city of San Antonio: details here

Keep getting those petitions signed urging the Governor, other state officials and SA Mayor Ivy Taylor to stop Vista Ridge and to stop subsidizing growth with our water and our wallets.

Want to help us set up an event in your community? Be on tomorrow’s call or reply.

The bulldog’s got a tiger by the tail and it’s not letting go! Neither should we.

The following was posted to this page on September 22:

This morning, after a big hit in College Station last night, we got big news on continued blood

in the water on Vista Ridge — the massive San Antonio water grab. San Antonio Mayor Ivy Taylor hid the A&M draft report that bashed Vista Ridge.

Correction: Tonight’s San Marcos meeting address was wrong for the San Marcos library. It is at 625 E. Hopkins and corrected here on our events page. (We start at 6 pm!)

Time to get more folks to sign the petition to Gov. Greg Abbott, right? Do it now please — click here, or just forward this message.

You can also print the petition out from here and take it around with you like the Burleson County folks are on fire with! Our first big turn in is on October 1st.

Don’t you let them tell you a bad deal is a done deal — ever again. Hang tight, Texans and get active.

PS We also highly recommend that, no matter where you are in Texas, that you hop on our Sunday 6 pm conference call. Reply for details.



The League of Independent Voters of Texas is a 501c4 nonprofit, nonpartisan membership organization
dedicated to bringing about competitive elections and a multi-party system.

LIV • PO Box 651, Bastrop, TX 78602 • • 512.213.4511 (no texts)

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