Bill Aleshire has been a very busy man! Friday's big win against the City of Austin's violation of the Texas Open Meeting Act in district court was the day after he filed another lawsuit. The suit is Aleshire's second challenge to Austin's taxpayer boondoggle rail project -- Project Connect.
The second case is a unique class action suit. If it prevails we're talking about $400 per year in taxpayer savings to the average Austin household.
Thanks to The Austin Bulldog for their always thorough and accurate coverage in "Lawsuit seeks to halt light-rail tax."
There is another big challenge for gas ratepayers by the dauntless consumer advocate, Paul Robbins. Robbins is featured in this Austin Monitor Article, "Texas Gas Service rate hearing at Council this Thursday."
We pulled these two quotes from the article:
According to Robbins, if Texas Gas Service “gets its proposed rate increase, its residential rates per customer will have risen 105 percent in six years. Inflation between 2019 and 2024 was 23 percent.”
Robbins noted. “TGS proposes a 31 percent increase in residential rates while proposing a 34 percent decrease for industrial customers and a 7 to 9 percent decrease for commercial customers,”
A big thank you to Bill and Paul our (us ordinary folks') very own dauntless taxpayer advocates. We wish we could say with a straight face that the check is in the mail.