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Do you oppose the San Antone hose?


Neighbors Restaurant, 601 Chestnut, in Bastrop on the beautiful Colorado. Bring a song, a poem, a magic trick or just your independent self. More here.

Your membership dues and donations will help us gear up now to stop the San Antone hose — aka the 142-mile Vista Ridge water pipeline just as landowners are facing the threat of emiment domain. Help us get these signs out to stop the hose! ►►►►►►

Quick updates on the water grabs:

  1. Forestar Real Estate Group (45,000 AFY = 40 million gallons per day) had their “reservation agreement” with Hays County canceled by the Hays County Comissioner’s Court, thanks to 4 out of 5 Commissioners. A big hug to Hays County water watchers who kept pushing for this as good neighbors to the people of the Lost Pines.

  2. End Op LP (46,000 acre-feet/year = 41 million gallons per day). Lost Pines GCD heard arguments on Wednesday and put this on the agenda for their next meeting on July 15 in Bastrop. More background here and here.

Please note that our conference calls are every other Sunday at 6 pm. Call in tomorrow at 6 sharp: — call us at 512-213-4511 for the number or send an email to

Hoping to see you in Austin (Tuesday at this event), in Bastrop on Thursday might or in East and NE Texas real soon. Tell ya more on the call tomorrow.



The League of Independent Voters of Texas is a 501c4 nonprofit, nonpartisan membership organization
dedicated to bringing about competitive elections and a multi-party system.

LIV • PO Box 651, Bastrop, TX 78602 • • 512.213.4511 (no texts)

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