Join us at Monday night's LIV zoom forum for the details on the following LIV News!
Stan Gerdes, former Texas Governor Rick Perry's longtime employee, has filed suit against the Secretary of State of Texas to remove his opponent, Linda Curtis*, from the November ballot. Curtis is running as an independent for Texas House District 17 (Bastrop, Burleson, Caldwell, Lee, and Milam counties) in a three-way race against Republican Gerdes and Democrat Madeline Eden. Gerdes has no less than three law firms working on his case, including State Representative Briscoe Cain (R-Deer Park). Cain is the divide-and-conquer chairman of the Elections Committee in the Texas House. Curtis is represented by superlative election and open government attorney, Bill Aleshire.

We will provide the scoop on how Rick Perry abused his veto power to block competitive elections when Stan Gerdes was still wet behind the ears. Will this now work for Perry's protege? We'll explain the legislative history on Monday night!
The case will come before a Travis County Judge on Wednesday, September 14, at 2 pm in the District Court. The proceedings should be viewable on YouTube, but the details about the assigned judge and the hearing will not be available until Monday.
We will also provide you with an important water update in light of the hearing held by the Texas House Natural Resources Committee on August 24 and an expected hearing on Monday, September 19, in the Senate Committee on Water, Agriculture, and Rural Affairs.
The August 24 hearing was the first time landowners negatively affected by Vista Ridge (the San Antone Hose) were invited to testify before the Legislature. To view the August 24th hearing, click on the video link for the Natural Resources Committee here. Note: At about 3 hours and 41 minutes, you can see the deceptive testimony of SAWS (San Antonio Water System) CEO Robert Puente.
The Legislature appears passionless as time is ticking on our most precious resource. If the profiteers get their way, Samsung will bring in 11 new chip plants with extraordinary property tax waivers while the aquifers in Central Texas are sucked into crisis by profiteers. Is Jackson, Mississippi teaching us anything about the privatization of our most precious resource?
On Monday night, we'll give you a bird's eye view of the work to establish a new political party in Texas, the Forward Party. Members of LIV will be traveling to Houston on Saturday, September 25, to attend the founding convention.
Join us!
* Linda is a founder of LIV and sits on our Advisory Board.