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Going to the Top Dog – Lt. Governor Dan Patrick


This legislative session ends on June 1. Until then, your land, water and even your right to

petition, are up for grabs OR reform. Translation: It’s up to YOU, Texans!

We need your help to set the bulldog loose on two bad bills (“Gridzilla” – HB 3298 & the anti-petition bill, HB 2595) & to PASS a GOOD bill on eminent domain – SB 474 by reaching the TOP DOG — Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick. More below.

Here’s what you can do:

  1. Email or call Lt. Governor Dan Patrick by clicking here.  Note: Dan Patrick supports property and petition rights, just ask him to oppose HB 2595 (anti-petition rights), to oppose HB 3298 (the statewide water “gridzilla”) and to support SB 474 for eminent domain reform.

  2. Please, if at all possible, come to Austin on Monday before 2 pm hearings can begin on “Gridzilla” AND eminent domain reform.  Click these links for details on the bills & hearing info: for HB 3298 and here for SB 474. We will also visit Senate offices on HB 2595 to stop any notions of erasing our petition rights.

  3. Join the conference call tomorrow at 9 am sharp for one hour — here’s the number (530) 881-1000, PIN106940#. We will have new updates by then.

If you can’t make the call email us, call us or send us or otherwise git along you little dogies and do some herding to get your friends and family to do the same.

We were remiss in not congratulating Calvin Tillman on his election to the Aubrey City Council. Calvin is our most famous board member.!

PS This is one of those rare, but historic moments, when all forces come together for the few things we agree on.



The League of Independent Voters of Texas is a 501c4 nonprofit, nonpartisan membership organization
dedicated to bringing about competitive elections and a multi-party system.

LIV • PO Box 651, Bastrop, TX 78602 • • 512.213.4511 (no texts)

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