UPDATE, Friday, Nov. 12. Food reservations are due by 5 pm today! If you cannot make this event (it has been moved inside the barn, the event will be streamed. Please email us at contact@livtx.org or call or text us at 512.213.4511 to send you those stream instructions. Please include your phone and email address.
Concerned about climate change? Want to protect farmland and our environment for future generations of Texans? Need inspiration? Come hear how the Green Amendments campaign, created by water activist and lawyer Maya van Rossum, is making a big difference in other states. This summer, Montana’s youth activists were able, for the first time, to use a Green Amendment to successfully make the case that the state is not protecting them from climate change. Maya will present how Texas can have a legal right to clean air and water, a stable and healthy environment just as Pennsylvania, New York and Montana do. Rep. Vikki Goodwin, who introduced the “Stewardship Amendment” in 88th legislative session, will also share needed next steps. This is a free community event, open to all.
AND a fundraising dinner follows this event from 7-9 p.m. Get your tickets under the image to the right.