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Gridzilla Can’t Wait to Get to Texas!

Gridzilla (SB 1907 — the water grid bill) has hit another road block in the Senate, at least, for the moment. We’re pretty sure that’s because of your calls!

Share this message (or click on the picture of Gridzilla and you’ll see a full flier) to keep sounding the alarm to your fellow Texans.

Please now reach your Texas House member before Thursday, when the House version (HB 3298) is expected to reach the House floor. (You can also reach back to your Senator again with our coalition’s new fact sheet click here.)

Your volunteerism is now critical.Join us for the conference call tomorrow! (Reply for details.)

Too busy to be active? Donate some dough to help us warn 1,000s of Texans for pennies on the dollar.

$10 will help reach 1000 people on Facebook or 1000 people with our phone calls.

Donate here. (You can also mail us a check to PO Box 651, Bastrop, TX 78602.)

We love you, Texans. Thanks for whatever efforts you’ve been able to make.

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