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Homegrown Petitions IS News, Not News is SAWS Nose Grows!


Texas water watchdogs know it’s not news that SAWS’ nose is a tad shorter than the 142-mile Hose (Vista Ridge).

What is not yet appreciated, however, is how SAWS and Vista Ridge are wreaking havoc on state water policy and the lives of 1.8 million ratepayers in the poorest metro area in the United States!

The machinations of SAWS today to avoid an independent audit of Vista Ridge (one has never been done) is at the heart of our homegrown petition drive in San Antonio to place the SAWS Accountability Act on the ballot.

If you give San Antonio voters a fighting chance, they will protect and conserve their water. They would have rejected Vista Ridge.

This is why the SAWS Accountability Act – if it’s on the ballot – is a likely winner. And, it will be a winner for all of Texas.

How do we get it on the ballot with little funds and in the midst of a pandemic? We call it LIV’s innovation — HOMEGROWN PETITIONS. Read on.

SAWS’ Nose Puts Two Aquifers, Central Texas and Texas Water Policy at Risk

Remember, SAWS got busted in the media on June 10th for dumping Vista Ridge water — the most expensive water in Texas — down a creek. We wrote about this here.

On June 12, SAWS reported to the Post Oak Savannah Groundwater Conservation District, the permitting authority for Vista Ridge, that SAWS had stopped dumping Vista Ridge water.

This week, it became clear that SAWS actually continueddumping Vista Ridge water through June 30.

SAWS’ is claiming the dumping was for a legitimate purpose. We think they’re in violation of Texas water law, wasting water.

The good news is we may soon find out who’s right. On September 2, the Post Oak Savannah Groundwater Conservation District (the permitting authority for Vista Ridge) filed public information requests with SAWS and the TCEQ (Texas Commission for Environmental Quality.)  Read supporting documents here at Post Oak’s website. Here are Linda Curtis’s comments for LIV to Post Oak’s Board on Tuesday, September 8.

Vista Ridge has put the Edwards at Risk — we warned about this in 2014!

The San Antonio City Council was warned from the beginning that Vista Ridge would not just endanger the aquifers in the “source communities” (Burleson and Milam counties)  but the mighty Edwards as well.

This August 13 San Antonio Report article, “San Antonio aquifer, trails advocates lament sales tax vote” discusses the San Antonio City Council decision (by 9 to 2) NOT to put the popular Edwards Aquifer Protection Program on this November ballot and to redirect the 1/8 sales tax to other programs. (Discussions are underway to urge voters to vote this Council plan down this November.)

LIV first dubbed water policy unfolding in Texas due to SAWS and the Vista Ridge Project the “California Water Model”, an already proven disaster.

In these times, we’re not about to let a man-made disaster happen without a real fight. But we need your help — your participation~!

Here’s How You Can Help Anywhere You Are — Join our Homegrown Petition Drive!

  1.     Go to the site. Share this effort and please like them on Facebook and follow them on Twitter. Soon, you will be asked to share action items.

  2.     Donate to SAWS Act PAC (a cross-partisan coalition — a rarity these days). None of us are getting paid. All donations help this homegrown petition drive.

  3.     Live in San Antonio or nearby? Please print out the petition and circulate it. Only SA voters can sign, but anyone can circulate it. Follow the instructions at

LIV is also getting ready for the Texas legislative session focusing on electoral, water and eminent domain reform. Interested in working with us and tired of partisan gamesmanship? How about a little statesmanship and some creative problem solving?

Join us!

PS Our “Breaking the Two-Party Doom Loop” Study Group is on break, but it will be coming back soon. Get the book and let us know if you’d like to join our discussion group.

PPS Are you a non-aligned independent voter? Become a member of LIV today. Dues start at $10 for the year.



The League of Independent Voters of Texas is a 501c4 nonprofit, nonpartisan membership organization
dedicated to bringing about competitive elections and a multi-party system.

LIV • PO Box 651, Bastrop, TX 78602 • • 512.213.4511 (no texts)

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