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How to vote on July 14: Early voting starts June 29


Are you thinking about how to vote on July 14? We sure hope so as there’s a bunch of good people trying to ensure it is safe, secure and accessible for you to exercise your right to vote.

Early voting starts on June 29 for the July 14 primary runoffs and the only special election we’re aware of – Senate District 14.

You can go to the polls, like you normally do. BUT, we strongly suggest you read THIS state protocol, which tells you what to observe when you go to vote — including bringing you own writing instrument, observing social distancing, wearing a mask — the whole bit.

Also, know that some counties, such as Bastrop County, are going the distance for you, by providing sanitizer and, if you want, even a mask — though bring your own if you have one.

You can ask to do curbside voting by letting election officials know you need it when you arrive at the poll site. There will be a sign with a phone number to call, or you might ring a bell by driving over a sensor. If you don’t have a cell, call your County Elections people from home before you head for the poll site.

Just do all you can not to spread the virus to our dear poll workers. Warn them if you have symptoms, so you can safely do curbside voting.

You can also apply for an absentee ballot by reaching your County Elections Department. They may have their absentee ballot application online for you to print out. OR, if you don’t have a printer, use this site provided by the Secretary of State (SOS). They will mail you an application, which you must then fill out and sign and mail back.

If you have any trouble reaching your election officials in your county, please feel free to contact us at LIV by calling 512-213-4511, via email at or via text at 512-657-2089.




The League of Independent Voters of Texas is a 501c4 nonprofit, nonpartisan membership organization
dedicated to bringing about competitive elections and a multi-party system.

LIV • PO Box 651, Bastrop, TX 78602 • • 512.213.4511 (no texts)

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