A hearty welcome to all you new folks joining the League of Independent Voters of Texas and/or signing our petition!
The League holds conference calls every other Saturday at 9 am. Our next one is on Saturday, August 16th, at 9 a.m. (not tomorrow) Topic: A full report on of the items below.
BASTROP & LEE COUNTIANS SHOW UP FOR THIS! Next Wednesday, Aug. 13, 7 pm, Bastrop Convention Center: For well over a year, landowners of Lee and Bastrop counties have been seeking a voice to stop water marketer, EndOp, L.P., from a raid on their groundwater. Finally, they will get a chance to state their case at the same time the Lost Pines Groundwater Conservation District deliberates on EndOp’s permit application to pump 46,000 acre-feet-per year of Lee and Bastrop counties’ groundwater. Here’s a flier you can print and post or share if from our events page here. More details from Environmental Stewardship.
FIRST LEAGUE CHAPTER FOUNDED –Yeehaw! We had a smashing success last night in Giddings with the founding of first chapter of the League of Independent Voters! Thanks to all the attendees and new members. Special thanks the organizers (Gary & Dorothy Gerdes, Henry Urban and Michele Gangnes) AND to Lee County Judge Paul Fischer and Giddings Mayor John Dowell for sharing and listening!
MARVIN NICHOLS RESERVOIR: A hearing in Austin on Thursday gave the folks who’ve been fighting the long-opposed Marvin Nichols Reservoir some glimmer of hope that the Texas Water Development Board might be listening. Still, it’s not clear that they’re willing to tell Dallas, a well-known water hog, they must conserve first before preying on their neighbor’s land and water! Read this from the Texarkana Gazette.(This will be be the subject of our conference call on Sept. 6.)
FARM AND RANCH FREEDOM ALLIANCE CONFERENCE. Sept. 15-16, Bastrop Convention Center. (Registration goes up Aug. 15).We at the League couldn’t be more insistent on protecting our resources so that Texans can grow food as close to where they live as possible. Several of our leaders will be presenting at their yearly conference. We hope to see you all there! Click here for the conference lowdown.
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