Many folks are asking why we have formed another organization — the League of Independent Voters of Texas. One reason is because the “growth lobby”, arguably the King of all lobbies in Texas, can’t lure people here fast enough. In the midst of a historic drought and growing unaffordability, Texas is in trouble.
Unparalleled growth has brought us profiteers. Water speculators are roosting in our towns preparing to swoop in to take our water to the growth corridors of this state. One such real estate vulture, Forestar Real Estate Group, has even sued not only the Lost Pines Groundwater Conservation District (for Lee and Bastrop counties), but each board member individually for simply doing their job to protect the aquifer.
Who pays for the new roads, new water hook-ups, new schools and everything else needed for the newcomers? YOU, not the developers who continue to build in areas without enough water. Don’t believe us? Read here.
Add to this the interference by the Lobby Queen — oil and gas. Irresponsible frackers are risking contamination of aquifers that everyone wants to tap, including Bastrop and Lee counties’. Don’t believe us? Read here.
Isn’t it high time for Texans to topple the King and Queen? They should be in the same line as everyone else. That is why we’re building a new statewide citizens lobby to unite voters across party lines — the League of Independent Voters of Texas.
The new League is holding our first and FREE to the public Regional Round Up entitled, “Protecting Our Land, Our Water and our Homes through Local Control” on Saturday, June 7th, 6 to 8 pm, at the American Legion Hall next to Bastrop State Park. League Board Member, Calvin Tillman, a former Mayor from North Texas, will be our guest speaker.
If you cannot make it, help us hold a Round Up in your community. Click here for the 36 districts of the new League.
Don’t forget to join the League if you haven’t already, or just come on the 7th!
Thank you so much to those of you who signed up this week and for your generosity.
Saddle up, y’all! We need to ride ’em high — the growth lobby, that is.
There will be “Stop the Water Grab” yard signs at the Round Up!
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