In the morning, District Judge Carson Campbell heard arguments by landowners asking the court to stop the permit negotiations between Lost Pines Groundwater Conservation District and End Op LP until their appeal for party status (a seat at the table) is heard. The court will rule tomorrow — Friday.
In the evening, in front of 150 folks from four counties over the aquifer — Milam, Burleson, Lee and Bastrop — Lost Pines
took no action — good news.
Even better news is that we — the people — started telling the world about the plans underway to drain the aquifer for no less than 3 mega-permits — End Op, Forestar Real Estate and San Antonio’s Vista Ridge totalling at least 141,000 acre-feet of groundwater per year.
Click on this video above to watch the FOX-TV News Report. More coverage coming too!
What I loved most was seeing these folks extending their hands from across the aquifer chanting “Stop the Water Grabs”, as Lost Pines went into executive session.
We must go to the Governor — and state and local officials NOW — with this letter petition. Keep getting this out!
There’s lots more ways you can help. Contact us or be on Sunday’s conference call at 6 pm. (Reply for details.) We also want to hear your ideas.
In the words of 6th generation Texas landowner, Darwyn Hanna — we will not submit to WATER BANKRUPTCY.
Keep checking in for upcoming events here. Next stop is Lockhart on Saturday.
PS Do you know a landowner facing the pipeline for Vista Ridge? Help us get them to Lockhart on Saturday.
PPS We need a Spanish translator to call us.