We would love to see you tonight at 7 pm (Monday, Aug. 2) online or via phone call-in at our first, First
Monday LIV Forum. Contact us at contact@LIVTexas.org or call 512.213.4511 for instructions on how to join us.
We apologize for the late message due to tech issues related to a storm in central Texas. That’s why we are sending this message through our old email system.
Tonight we will talk about a survey — in DRAFT, see below — we have been testing on paper at Farmer’s Markets.
There are likely millions of Texas independents who are very reachable and willing to take corrective action to the problems in governance here in Texas. But, what are those actions?
That’s what the survey is attempting to understand.
Before you join the call, please click on these two surveys and take them. Bring your ideas and questions to the call.
Tonight, we will also talk about the water battle over desired future conditions. Michele Gangnes will be joining us from the Simsboro Aquifer Water Defense Fund.
If you missed last week’s LIV Newsletter, it’s a humdinger: Imperial Governance and Constitutional Wreckage
PS Click on the conference — Southern Family Farms — picture to visit the Event Page. Join LIV there in San Marcos, Aug. 8 thru 10 to volunteer or just y’all come!
PPS Mark your calendar for the Lost Pines Groundwater Conservation District Public Hearing on August 18 at the Bastrop Convention Center.