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Lost Pines Sells Out…not so fast!


Before Lost Pines sells out, you need to come to Bastrop City Hall on Wednesday night at 7 pm

(1311 Chestnut).

A deal is in process that will affect ALL of central Texas (from Austin to Bryan-College Station to San Antonio) and the future water supply of Bastrop, Lee, Milam and Burleson counties.

The growth-at-all-costs real estate lobby might be drunk with power. They’re not drunk on our groundwater…yet.

Background:  Last Wednesday night after years of standing tall, the Lost Pines Groundwater Conservation District Board (except for Keith Hansberger, the only original board member left) buckled.

Ironically, while we were in Burleson County meeting with landowners who are putting the heat under the Post Oak Savannah GCD — for selling them and their water out — Lost Pines began (the deal isn’t inked yet) a path to endorse a very similar strategy by End Op LP to deplete our groundwater.

Folks, Bastrop and Lee County landowners are still in court trying to get a seat at the table on this permit. Lost Pines should have waited, but chose not to. (Read the details of the “deal” here from Environmental Stewardship.)

This deal will be voted on at a future meeting yet to be announced — and could be done last minute just like the meeting Lost Pines called last week. Therefore, this Wednesday could be the only time you have to talk to the Board before they vote. (Be on time for public comment.)

Bring your family, your neighbors and anyone else who cares about their land, their water and their affordability (urban and rural Texans)… This could be the most important meeting we’ve ever asked you to attend.

We will be in College Station (Sept. 21), San Marcos (Sept. 22), Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance conference in Bryan (Sept. 25-26), Lexington (Sept. 28), San Antonio (Oct. 3). More planned every day — including Austin and San Antonio. Watch our events page here.

We also need funds.

If you haven’t recently joined to the all-volunteer League or contributed to us, please do! Funds are needed for automated calls, meeting rooms, fliers, signs…Give online on our website or send us a check — details here. (If you have recently, we thank you!)

We have only just begun to fight — John Paul Jones.

PS Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance needs volunteers in Bryan for their annual conference, Sept. 25-26 – get a greatly reduced rate! Reply for details..

PSS We will have 4 x 4 signs on Monday. Contact us if you’re due one.



The League of Independent Voters of Texas is a 501c4 nonprofit, nonpartisan membership organization
dedicated to bringing about competitive elections and a multi-party system.

LIV • PO Box 651, Bastrop, TX 78602 • • 512.213.4511 (no texts)

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