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No one is talking about it.


No one is talking about it, except affected landowners, the Bastrop and Lee County Commissioners Courts, LIV and now Bastrop Dems! See all written testimony here.

The following article is reprinted from LIV’s Linda Curtis submission to the Bastrop Democrats newsletter. We encourage Bastrop Republicans to do the same.

I have heard this statement – no one is talking about it (water) — from local political activists about our water issues.

They’re right. The political class treats the mass transfer of water – our communities’ wealth out from underneath us – like the crazy aunt in the basement. Everyone knows she’s there, but no one wants to talk about it.

I want to thank Steve Chamberlain, your very capable Bastrop County Chair, for speaking about it at the Lost Pines Groundwater Conservation District hearing last week.

I also want to thank Allyson Jones, Elgin precinct chair, for her excellent testimony.

Here’s what I learned from Steve and Allyson’s testimony. We can talk about climate change out “west” or we can realize we ARE in the West. Allowing our aquifers to be mined and our water exported out from underneath us, is contributing to climate change in a big way. What do you think the consequences are of damaging aquifers that take tens of thousands of years for Mother Nature to store water for us?

I don’t want to minimize the pushback you should expect from actually talking about our own local climate change/water grabs debacle in the Lost Pines. It can get you the cold shoulder from members of your own party, not to mention members of the opposing party. And that’s because the political donors are hooked on growth, and the faster it comes, the better.

Now our communities are in for a world of hurt as the costs of growth were not tempered by good policy-making. Visit LIV’s Costs of Growth section for more.

The good news is that people are starting to realize the crazy aunt must be liberated from the basement. All our citizens need to know about her!

We have the luck of two local non-profit organizations to help us. They are our They are: Simsboro Aquifer Water Defense Fund and Environmental Stewardship. Please sign up to get their email alerts.

I appreciate you, Bastrop Dems! Linda Curtis, Board Member, League of Independent Voters – a non-partisan, non-profit organization – not a political party.

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