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Pass the Greatest Bill Since Sliced Bread!


THIS FRIDAY! The greatest bill since sliced bread for the 42% plurality of Texans who are

independent (we salute no party) is going to hit the floor of the Texas House. House Bill 25 — ending straight ticket “one punch” voting in Texas is a must do to bring about competitive elections. Call your State Rep to ask him or her to reach out to independent voters by voting FOR this bill.  Find your legislators here.

TOMORROW! Cronyism run amok on toll roads (HB 2861) hits the House Floor. Make y

our calls folks! More here. Apologies for such late notice — do what you can right away!

QUICK ADD ONS OF BAD WATER BILLS TO KILL: Read this just in from Save Our Springs Alliance in Austin.

THANK YOU FOR YOUR calls a few days ago to Sen. Lois Kolkhorst to stop a bad water bill (to limit your participation in contests involving surface water), Senate Bill 225, appears to have helped. SB 225 has not yet come out of committee. However, the House version — House Bill 3742 — is now in the House Calendars Committee. Calendars is the last stop before it’s sent to the House Floor. Take a look at the House Calendar’s Committee here. If you see your State Rep there, call their office to ask them to “tag” this bill — that will slow it down. If you can get to the Capitol, you can visit all the Calendar’s Committee offices and fill out a card against the bill.

Note: HB 3742/SB 225 isn’t the only bill attacking the public’s right to proper

notice to contest something industry plans to do with your property or water. They keep coming, like this one in a hearing today in Natural Resources — Rep. Frank’s HB 3114. Tell your legislators you are sick of having your rights violated by these kinds of bills and that you expect them to vote NO on any and all such sorry bills that may hit the House floor. Tell them the independents are watching them and plan to do this to them if they pass this kind of junk.

YESTERDAY! A virogorous effort to win eminent domain reform this session was deformed by the pipeline and oil and gas lobby. We are not surprised, but we are disgusted. Read this letter after you take action as we have suggested above.

Seriously, remember this! We prefer that the tactics of Tyrannosaurus Rex be left to legend.

Now, let’s get a GREAT Bill — House Bill 25 — passed on Friday!

P.S. We appreciate some of you stepping up to the plate to be our representatives at the Capitol. Keep it up and more of you are invited to do so.



The League of Independent Voters of Texas is a 501c4 nonprofit, nonpartisan membership organization
dedicated to bringing about competitive elections and a multi-party system.

LIV • PO Box 651, Bastrop, TX 78602 • • 512.213.4511 (no texts)

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