Dear Friends:
Did you know that Bastrop has its very own City Councilman/Water Marketer who has a hard time distinguishing between the two? Love this Sunday Statesman article!
Hays County: This press release by the newly formed Trinity Edwards Springs Protection Association, a non-profit created to “protect the Edwards and Trinity Aquifers and Springs” in Hays County, hit the news wires recently!
Mark your calendars — we hope to see you in person or on OUR FIRST LIVE STREAMING EVENT on March 14th!:
This Wednesday, 9 am, at the Bastrop County Courthouse, is a very important hearing in Bastrop District Court on water profiteer, End Op, LP’s attempt to prevent landowners in Lee and Bastrop counties from having a voice. Remember, End Op wants a mega-permit for 46,000 acre-feet/year of groundwater from the Lost Pines Groundwater Conservation District. Show up! Details here from the always helpful Environmental Stewardship.
This Saturday, March 7, 9 am, the League’s Conference Call: We will discuss establishing chapters of the League of Independent Voters. Reply for conference call details and a set of our by-laws.
Friday, March 13, Local Foods Day by the Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance at the Capitol — details here.
Saturday, March 14, 3 to 5 pm — “Good Bills, Bad Bills”, via stream or join us in person at Neighbor’s Restaurant, 601 Chestnut, Bastrop, TX. You can join us (bring some money for food and drink), or join the stream from 3:30 to 4:30 pm — reply for details or click here.