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RED ALERT! Stop the Vista Ridge Fast One on Tuesday — Milano, TX

This red alert signals a turning point in the Vista Ridge water project – aka the San Antone Hose.COME TO MILANO (MILAM COUNTY) THIS TUESDAY, 5:30 PM! Post Oak Savannah Groundwater Conservation District Office 310 Avenue C, Milano, TX 76556 Put a halt to a fast one by the Post Oak District! As usual, the fast one concerns yet another favor to Vista Ridge, aka The San Antone Hose!

What’s the deal? In short, the permits Vista Ridge received from Post Oak don’t match up. The right to pump 50,000 acre-feet lasts until 2044 while the right to move it to San Antonio instead of using it at home in the District (the “Transport Permit”) lasts only until 2034.

Whoops! Big money investors don’t like lending billions of dollars to a project that isn’t sewn up, legally.

Post Oak wants to sneak those additional 10 years onto the permit without adequate public notice (they gave a few days, instead of the required 10 business days notice) AND without a required public hearing.

On Tuesday night, Item 14 (click here for the Board Meeting Agenda_10.03.17) suggests that this additional 10 years is an informal “request” for an “insubstantial” change — in a permit for the permanent removal of over 16 billion gallons of groundwater a year!

That’s like claiming the Simsboro is “drought proof”.

Don’t let Post Oak get away with yet another giveaway to their “partners”, Vista Ridge, Blue Water and San Antonio!

SHOW UP, bring family & friends — Milam, Burleson, Lee and Bastrop countians – we all have an interest in the Simsboro formation of the Carrizo-Wilcox Aquifer.

Our additional alerts this week will be sent to folks across Texas, especially the region affected by Vista Ridge — all the way down the pipeline to San Antonio — so keep your eyes peeled.


Monday, October 16, 6:30 pm, First National Bank Main Office Community Room, 489 Highway 71, Bastrop, TX. Come to the Bastrop Independent Pow Wow:  to join in an education session focused on water wars heating up again, a waste transfer station slated for Bastrop (or other nearby counties) and the price tag for litigation involving the city of Bastrop, Bastrop County and BISD. More Info here.

Wednesday, October 18, 9 am, 21st District Court, Bastrop County Courthouse, 804 Pecan Street, Bastrop, TX , in the courtroom of Judge Carson Campbell.

Got questions or need a ride? Call us at 512.213.4511, text us at 512.657.2089 or email us at
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