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Rural-urban media release hit BIG


Our rural-urban media release hit BIG that Texans are uniting to stop the California water

model via the “San Antone/Vista Ridge hose” — hit 156 media outlets across the country, totaling an audience of 153 million. Our fave was the Boston Globe’s Finance page. We hit practically every TV news outlet in central Texas too!

On Monday, the first city in the “forced donor” area — Smithville (Bastrop County) — uanimously passed this resolution against Vista Ridge. The next night, a similar resolution was passed in Castle Hills, an independent municipality surrounded by San Antonio! There is definately push back happening in San Antonio, now that the message of 50% rate hikes for Vista Ridge (stair stepped over the next 4 years) is out. Note: No one knows yet what happens after 2020!

Next Thursday, November 19, the San Antonio City Council is slated to vote on the City’s water rate structure and rates for Vista Ridge. But, from last night’s hearing, the air in San Antonio has the smell of a ratepayer revolt.  Am I dreaming?

Very Important Vista Ridge Events!

This Saturday in San Antonio, LIV is running a phone bank to generate calls from San Antonians to their Council members and Mayor to stop Vista Ridge. Please come! Details here.

Next Monday at 6:30 pm, the San Antonio Tea Party is co-sponsoring this event with LIV on Vista Ridge, “What does Vista Ridge Mean for the Ratepayers of San Antonio?” Spread the word from here and show up San Antone!

LIV filed 5500 signatures against Vista Ridge with the City of San Antonio — 3300 of those were from Burleson. Hundreds were from Milam, Brazos, Lee, and Bastrop. Bexar County sign ups online are picking up steam, thanks to a mention from San Antonio Firefighters! Keep pushing it all from our home page.

How you can help most now.

  1. Get more signatures on the petition! Take them to your chuches, local businesses and post it on Facebook. Print them from here or send folks to our home page to watch the video and sign it online.

  2. Get your city to pass a resolution against Vista Ridge. We’ll help you — contact us!

  3. Contact us to volunteer. We need admin and petitioners.

⇔SPECIAL THANKS to the lovely 50 people who showed up on Tuesday from the affected Vista Ridge counties — Austin, Bastrop, Brazos, Burleson, Caldwell, Hays, Lee, Milam, Robertson, Travis and Bexar counties. Very special thanks to Andy Hovorak and Becky and Gabbo Goetsch of Burleson County and Gary and Dorothey Gerdes of Lee County for your leadership this week!

We must tell you, from the bottom of our hearts, how much this all-volunteer organization appreciates you all. Thank you for your participation, your dollars that you give without us asking, and for your big hearts for our big Texas!



The League of Independent Voters of Texas is a 501c4 nonprofit, nonpartisan membership organization
dedicated to bringing about competitive elections and a multi-party system.

LIV • PO Box 651, Bastrop, TX 78602 • • 512.213.4511 (no texts)

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