We are very pleased that the San Antonio Firefighters and Tea Party question Vista Ridge, as they raise their own concerns! This couldn’t come at a better time than on the heels of the “fixing” of the now infamous water report – read it here in the Rivard Report.
There’s a last minute rush on bus seats for the Tuesday, Nov. 10th, media event in San Antonio. Contact us now and don’t miss out! The bus schedule and other details, including parking if you’re coming on your own are here.
Read this media advisory we put out on Friday.
San Antonians Unite to Question Vista Ridge!
A San Antonio phone bank will take place all day on Saturday, November 14th. Reaching ratepayers is now critical and our best shot on Vista Ridge. Join us and bring a cell (and
laptop, if you can). Details here.
The San Antonio Tea Party is co-sponsoring this event with us on Monday, November 16th, 6:30 pm at the Lion and the Rose Pub (the one near the Palladium). Share this event from this page here.
Urban and rural Texans are faced with far too many wallet and water grabs, not to mention the breaches of the public trust in how government, at all levels, is conducting the people’s business.
Keep sharing the 17-minutes Vista Ridge video and asking friends to sign the petition.
Let’s keep kicking up our heels together, Texas!