Please attend a Special Meeting of Lost Pines Board on End Op Permit Where: Giddings Public Library, 276 N. Orange Street When: Thursday, February 1, 2018, 7:00 p.m.
At their January 17 meeting, the Lost Pines Board sat on its hands and tabled action on Judge Carson Campbell’s January 4 ruling in favor of four local landowners.
End Op took advantage of the vacuum Lost Pines created and filed their own appeal of the Judge’s ruling last week. Now the Lost Pines Board will huddle with their lawyers once again Thursday night and again consider taking action.
You are encouraged to attend the meeting Thursday and show your support of the four landowners.
Your message to the Board should be: I expect the Board to respect the Judge’s ruling and tell him you will not join End Op’s appeal of his decision, because you accept your duty to protect the property rights of all landowners and will give the four landowners a hearing.
Feel free to continue writing and calling the Board before Thursday evening, to let them know you are paying attention. We have received copies of many heartfelt letters to the Board, and we thank you. (Follow the instructions in this message.)
REMEMBER! Our Groundwater CONSERVATION District should always have an audience when they vote on important matters. Their lawyers can speak to them in private. You can – and should– watch your appointed officials from the audience. They are accountable to you!
Read the front page of the Giddings Times today. Our own Michele Gangnes is quoted about this special meeting.