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Staying in the Game Requires Tough Love


Staying in the game to protect our most treasured resources, and democracy itself, takes a lot of tough love.

It also demands we throw a few punches and not at our own shadow!

Join the fight and land a few punches!

Punch #1: Call House Speaker Joe Straus (512.463.1000)

The California Water Model of mass movement of rural water to growth corridors is a proven disaster. So why are Rep. Lyle Larson (R-San Antonio) and Sen. Charles Perry (R-Lubbock) pushing it so hard with their water bills, House Bill 2378, House Bill 31 and Senate Bill 1392? Because there is so much money to be made pumping and moving our groundwater for private, for-profit interests!

Call Speaker Straus, the one man in Texas with the power to stop the profiteering water lobby efforts that put our aquifers, and children’s water future, at risk. Politely ask Joe to dam up the flood of bad water bills this session. Then thank Speaker Straus for supporting HB 25/SB 2175 – to end straight ticket voting — also widely supported by independent voters!

Punch #2: Call your State Representative and State Senator

Find your State Legislators at or call us! Tell them you are from rural, urban or suburban Texas – whatever applies – and that you understand that all regions depend on one another to protect our wealth – land and water – not to transfer it, squander it and otherwise spoil it, at alarming rates. Ask them what they are doing to protect Texas groundwater, end the abuse of eminent domain for private gain and open up Texas for electoral competition. Finish by telling them you strongly support HB 25/SB 2175 to end straight ticket voting and House Bill 3028 — the Voter Choice Act to open up the ballot for independents and more than two parties. Let the people vote, not the party machines.

Punch #3:

Become a member of or donate to LIV, an all-volunteer outfit that’s fighting for you, our precious land and water resources, and to win competitive elections!

Keep checking our news section – bills are a flyin’!



The League of Independent Voters of Texas is a 501c4 nonprofit, nonpartisan membership organization
dedicated to bringing about competitive elections and a multi-party system.

LIV • PO Box 651, Bastrop, TX 78602 • • 512.213.4511 (no texts)

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