The great debate on war and U.S. Foreign Policy is going viral. The debate is between "offensive realism" espoused by the inimitable Prof. John Mearsheimer and economist and foreign policy genius, Prof. Jeffrey Sachs at the All-In Summit in 2024. Most Americans want to avert war in a post-nuke world, so why are we seemingly locked into endless conflicts? Let these guys do a little mass educating.
Action Please!
LIV has joined with 46 organizations to urge Congress to pass S.B. 4282, S.J. Res. 98, and H.J. Res. 167. These simple bills and resolutions prevent the USDA from mandating electronic identification for cattle and bison, preserving the vital component of choice for producers. Please contact your member of Congress and U.S. Senators Cruz (up for reelection this year) and Cornyn: Letter to Congress is here. Find your members here.
LIV co-founder, Linda Curtis, stepped back from LIV to work for the Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. campaign as Texas Coordinator from June to October 2023. In her recent article published in Independent Political Report, she shares how we independents wait for the 'great white hope' to run as an independent to save us from ourselves. Perot's quote is as prophetic today as it ever was. Please read and share your thoughts in the comments section.
BREAKING NEWS! Bastrop Recaller's House of Cards in Collapse! NO BILL, No Charges, No Case & City Manager Recall Enabler Sylvia Castillo
The Bastrop County District Attorney's office issued a statement that the Grand Jury on September 10, "NO BILLED" (chose not to indict due to lack of evidence) Susan Smith, the former CEO of Visit Bastrop, a nonprofit organization that receives city of Bastrop HOT (hotel occupancy taxes) funds. The allegation of "misuse public funds" directed at Smith is now null and void as is any claim that Mayor Lyle Nelson was even investigated.
However, City Management -- City Manager Sylvia Carrillo and her longtime friend Irma Parker, who was recently handpicked by Carrillo to serve as Bastrop's Interim City Secretary -- have joined together to keep the recall alive. Why? Because this recall was always an inside job conducted by the City Council Majority, who literally carried the petitions. They are Carrillo's bosses!
Special thanks to Councilwoman Cheryl Lee who caught a major mistake by Carrillo involving $371,000. This is an ongoing story as Lee is trying to get information as required under the Texas Open Meetings Act.
Read these. Don't Weap, Organize!
Must Reads!
Lexington Leader: Citizens Ask Commissioners’ Court to Oppose Gas Plant. Slight, but important clarification of this article: Residents of Lee County want the new gas plant moved to a more appropriate location that is nearby (within 15 miles) and to preserve the rural community of Blue.
We have updated our original LIV article posted last week, "The Tale Wagging the Texas Energy Fund Dog: Weenie dogs are far more inventive." Do you have a Bitcoin or AI data center planned in your community? Beware, read this article, and give us a holler at 512.213.4511. We may do a forum if there's enough interest.
Calendar of Events & Notices
Last Day to register to vote in November: Mon, Oct. 7. Check your voter registration: click here!
Texas Early Voting, Mon., Oct. 21 thru Fri. Nov 1
Election Day, Tuesay, Nov. 5
Last day to apply for a ballot by mail: Oct. 25
Wed., Oct. 23, 7 to 9 pm: Free & Equal Presidential Debate with Minor Party Candidates
Some Recommended News Sites:
Ballot Access News edited by Richard Winger
System Update, Glenn Greenwald on the security state