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Yesterday, 36 Texas House Members — from rural and urban Texas — voted NO to “Gridzilla” (House Bill 3298), the Calfornia water model for Texas. Though it passed the House, the map to the right shows you opposition to Gridzilla (in orange) came from all regions of the state, with E. Texas leading the way.
These are the legislators who voted NO to Gridzilla — thank them! Rafael Anchia, Brent Ashby, Dennis Bonnen, Greg Bonnen, DeWayne Burns, Travis Clardy, John Cyrier, Pat Fallon, Dan Flynn, Bryan Hughes, Susan King, Tracy King, Matt Krause, Andrew Murr, Elliot Naishtat, Dade Phelan, Larry Phillips, John Raney, Matt Rinaldi, Eddie Rodriguez, Leighton Schubert, David Simpson, Jonathan Stickland, Stuart Springer, Tony Tinderholt, Scott Turner, James White and Bill Zedler. These legislators, we believe, changed their vote to YES to Gridzilla (though we would ask that you confirm this with your member on this list): Stephanie Klick, Brooks Landgraf, Jeff Leach, Will Metcalf, Morgan Meyer, Chris Paddie, Gary VanDeaver, Armando White and Molly White. Anyone not mentioned in the lists above, voted for Gridzilla except Dawnna Dukes, who has been ill. If you hear differently, we’re happy to be corrected as sometimes there are corrections after the vote is recorded. So, don’t accuse…but DO ask.
On an infuriating note, the anti-citizen’s petition bill — HB 2595 (see our fact sheet here) –the dream of the corporate interest lobbies in Texas, just now passed out of the House. To be honest, this bill slipped by us and, to be fair, most legislators. The good news is that they must now hold a hearing in the Senate. The true salt of a politician is one that is willing to stand up for the people’s “check and balance” — that is what the right to petition is all about. Today, Rep. Keffer called it “mob rule.” We are not a mob, we ARE voters.
We are going to need all hands on deck to put a stop to this monkey business in the Senate as both bills are on their way there next week. Step up to the plate and volunteer NOW!
“We must indeed all hang together, or most assuredly we shall all hang separately.” Benjamin Franklin