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Urgent Update in Final Hours of This Session

This action request is for you to do today or tomorrow — but ASAP!

Update Killing Amendment 6 to SB 533 — the SAWS Bid Rigging Maneuver!

Again, we ask for your help to kill Amendment 6 to SB 533 by having it stripped from the bill. Our message yesterday has all the details and phone numbers for you to call. To clarify: SAWS and possibly other large cities want to make it easier to cut off the bidding process for large, expensive infrastructure projects, including of course SAWS water infrastructure for the Vista Ridge/San Antone Hose. SAWS has a pending court action for this very purpose. They should let the court decide and they should cease to set new statewide law allowing other municipalities to get into the bid rigging game. Again, here’s that link to yesterday’s message — make your calls or send emails to kill this graveyard dead!

Update from FARFA on Kill the Bad Seed Bill!

We fought for, and got, an amendment, sponsored by State Representative Eddie Rodriguez, that limits the bill to seeds only. It’s still a bad bill, but a significantly LESS bad bill than before. Given the power of Monsanto, DuPont, Dow, and Farm Bureau behind this bill, even this partial victory is a huge step.

Now we need to keep the Rodriguez Amendment in the bill! Click here for all you need today to get this done.

We know, you want an end to this terrible session! We do too! We’re hoping that on Monday, the session will end with NO special session called. That’s up to one man – Governor Greg Abbott.

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