The Vista Ridge Community Meetings are information, education and organizing sessions to tell people what they
are not getting from those officials who are pushing a massive water grab in Burleson County, aka the $3.4 billion, 142-mile pipeline called Vista Ridge. Vista Ridge is set to start in 2019 and, if it’s built, will drain the Simsboro formation of the Carrizo-Wilcox Aquifer. Vista Ridge water will be used to build out over the Edwards Aquifer between Austin and San Antonio, and therefore will put the Edwards Aquifer at risk of further pollution. What’s more, this water grab will push even more unbridled growth in central Texas — the key driver of unaffordability. (Click on the map and you’ll see a better map.)
Please note that some of these meetings are not yet confirmed so keep checking back and make sure you’re on our email list. Click here to sign up to get our emails.
Have you signed our petition to Governor Abbott? Please do so here.
Burleson & Milam Counties – (Caldwell) – Tuesday, Aug. 18, 6 pm to 8 pm, City of Caldwell Civic Center, 103 W. State Hwy. 21, Caldwell, Texas: details here
Bastrop County – (Elgin) – Wednesday., Aug. 26, 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm, First National Bank of Elgin Community Room, 1312 Hwy. 290, Elgin, Texas: details here
Lee County (Lexington) — please come to the meeting at the Caldwell Civic Center on Tuesday, August 18 (see the first listing on this page).
Caldwell County – (Lockhart) – Tuesday, Sept. 1, 6:00 to 8:00 pm, Kreuz BBQ community room, 619 Colorado, Lockhart, Texas: details here
Hays County – (San Marcos) – Tuesday, Sept. 22, 6 pm to 8 pm, San Marcos Library, 2 Civic Center Drive, San Marcos, Texas: details here
Bexar County (NE San Antonio) – Wednesday, Sept. 30, Encino Library, 2515 East Evans Road, San Antonio, Texas 78259 (please note that this meeting location and date may change): details here
Guadalupe & Comal Counties – (Seguin) – location and date to be announced soon
Brazos County (Bryan-College Station) – location and date to be announced soon