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Water and utility reform

Does anyone not yet get how important water and utility reform are in today’s Texas?

Simsboro Aquifer Water Defense Fund (SAWDF) grew out of Neighbors for Neighbors and was co-founded by Michele Gangnes, who also co-founded LIV years later. We owe Michele, NFN and SAWDF bigtime because they are honest and informed solutions seekers to end the Texas water wars for the benefit of all.

We are asking you to AMPLIFY SAWDF today by contributing to their fundraising efforts at AMPLIFY AUSTIN.

LIV invites you to a Zoom Meeting (or just call-in) on Wednesday, March 10 at 7 pm. Guest speaker, LIV Advisor, Mark Miller (bio here)TOPIC: Election Reform or Deform in the Texas Legislative Session.To join us simply reply to this message with your name, phone and city or county, or call us.

LIV is reorganizing.Get in on our newest ground floor!

LIV will still be organizing voters from across the spectrum to protect our water, our land and our democracy — but it’s how we get there that must change.

The demand for an independent voter association is going up so we must sharpen our game. See Gallup’s newest poll discussed in Bill King’s helpful piece, “Half of Americans Refuse to Identify with Either Party.

The SAWS Act PAC in San Antonio has made a big turn this week. Please visit as the battle continues.

We’re here! Are you? Hoping to hear from you. Tell us you’re OK, please. And join us on March 10th!

PS If you’re an independent voter please join us at our Membership Page.

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