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Water Grid to Fuel Unbridled Unaffordability


The Texas Water Grid Bill, HB 3298 needs to be stopped. Do you really want to see masses of water moved from East Texas to San Antonio, DFW or Austin, to fuel unbridled and unaffordable in-migration population growth or bottling plants that ship our water out across the US for profit? Then ignore this message.

Rep. Lyle Larson’s Water Grid Bill — HB 3298 (and it’s companion in the Senate, SB 1907) is still in the House Calendars Committee. Remember, Calendars decides when the bill is released to the House floor for a full vote. If passed, it then goes to the Senate.

We still need your help to stop HB 3298.

Read this Fact Sheet on HB 3298. Note the groups working together to stop it. Then call the Calendars Committee members. Simply tell them you oppose HB 3298 and want to see Texas focus on maximizing water conservation first — and pursuing a longterm solution to our water problems — desalination.

Note: On the Calendars Committee pages we set up for you, if you click on each member’s city, it will open into a map their district. We have provided this for you to see if you know folks who live in those districts. If so, please call them and ask them to call their representative. Hearing from their own constituents is ten times as valuable as hearing from someone outside their district.

We also have lists of folks you can call in those districts. Be on Saturday’s 9 am conference call if you want to volunteer or just call us. Reply for conference call instructions if you don’t have them already.

You might read this excellent op-ed on HB 3298 by Ken Kramer, Sierra Club’s well-respected water expert.

Let’s keep t

he special interest hogs out of our water troughs, please dear Texans.



The League of Independent Voters of Texas is a 501c4 nonprofit, nonpartisan membership organization
dedicated to bringing about competitive elections and a multi-party system.

LIV • PO Box 651, Bastrop, TX 78602 • • 512.213.4511 (no texts)

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