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We're Back! And so is David Simpson.


Updated: Feb 23, 2024

Picture of David Simpson
David Simpson, former State Representative of Texas

At least some of you noticed that we've been off since November 2023! Our chief bottle-washer, Linda Curtis, is writing about it. So keep an eye out for some more independent news coming soon!

Meanwhile, former State Representative David Simpson, the honest friend to all of what's left of honesty in Texas politics and LIV's strongest water ally in the Texas House, had this opinion piece published in the Longview News-Journal about the bloodbath going on in the Republican primary, "Political revenge reveals character." Simpson asks area voters to vote for State Reps. Jay Dean, Cole Hefner, and Gary VanDeaver in the GOP primary.

Note: Early voting in the major party primaries begins tomorrow, February 20, and ends on Friday, March 1.

King Greg and TaliDan are on a Tear

Cartoon of Dan Patrick as TaliDan
Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick aka TaliDan
Picture of Gov,. Greg Abbott with a crown
Gov. Gr3eg Abbott

Is Gov. Greg Abbott bucking to be Donald Trump's running mate? Is Lt. Governor Dan Patrick, bucking to be Governor, after taking a $3M "loan" from backers of Ken Paxton while he presided as judge for Paxton's impeachment trial in the Texas Senate?

Does a bear you-know-what in the woods? We do know that Greg Abbott just received the single largest campaign donation in Texas history, $6M, from Jeff Yass, an out-of-state advocate for school vouchers. Now, Abbott is touring Texas and spending his big bucks to defeat legislators who refused to cow-tow to King Greg and voted against vouchers and with their districts. (Remember, LIV wrote to you about the voucher issue here and had an educational forum about it.)

LIV Suggests Texas Independents Consider Voting in the GOP Primary in districts where the Gov and Lt. Gov are on their high horses.

Independent Texans PAC has endorsed Ernest Bailes in House District 18. Ernest made this statement about the out-of-state interests that targeted him.

There are a bunch of other legislators targeted by Abbott and Patrick, so beware and do your homework! Again, read the Quorum Report piece linked above and feel free to contact us at 512.213.4511 or

This is too important a fight for representation and local control to stay out of.

Please note: Though, indeed, you cannot sign a petition to place an independent candidate or minor party on the ballot if you vote in either major party primary. This "rule" only exists in Texas and is being challenged in federal court on appeal at the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeal, though it is unlikely to be decided before the 2024 election. But also note that you can still carry a petition for any candidate or party, regardless of who you vote for in any primary.

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