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What to Expect on Water Gridzilla SB 1907


Thank you, if you made your call today to your State Senator to vote NO on the water grid bill — SB 1907 tomorrow. It’s not too late to do so tonight or tomorrow before 11 am. Find their number here.

In our press release today, Ken Kramer called the grid “gridzilla“. Many of the legislators, because of your calls, are also starting to get a bad taste in their mouths about gridzilla.

Tomorrow, you can watch the Senate deliberations online starting at 11 am from here:

We will see what shakes out tomorrow. Then start reaching State Representatives to ask them to vote NO on the House Bill, HB 3298, the companion to SB 1907.

The only other important thing we must ask you is for your financial help. This is how this all volunteer outfit does what we do.

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